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Gravad Lax or Grav Lox - Cured Salmon

Swedish Grav Lox or Gravad Salmon

Grav Lox or in Swedish "Gravad Lax" or Cured Salmon, is very easy to make and taste just wonderful. This is a bit different than my "Rimmad Lox" recipe.

  • 1 Kg of wild salmon (the thick part of a fillet is best)
  • 4 tbs of sugar
  • 3 tbs of Kosher salt
  • 1 tbs coarsely chopped white peppercorns.
  • 10 sprigs of fresh or frozen dill (you can also use dry dill, but it's not the same. The actual stem of the dill is best for this)
Mix the sugar, salt and pepper together and sprinkle over the salmon fillet. Then add the dill. You can put the dressed salmon fillet in a zip lock bag or do it all in a baking dish. The mixture and the salmon will make its' own brine. Turn every 12 hrs or so for 3-5 days. Three days is the longest I do, even two days works.

Slice the salmon very thin and serve with "Hovmästar" sauce, or Maitre-de's Sauce. Serve this with just hard crispbread or on nice rye bread. If served as a lunch, serve it with some potato salad.

Wine recommendations: Recommendations for Grav Lox is the same as Rimmad Lox. Serve with a light beer like Sleeman Light. If you prefer a wine I would get a dry sparkling white wine like a Brute from Blue Mountain Vineyard and cellars.

Kiss the cook,


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