, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Anders Cooks: “Hovmästar” sauce or Maitre-de’s Sauce for Cured Salmon.

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“Hovmästar” sauce or Maitre-de’s Sauce for Cured Salmon.

“Hovmästar” sauce or Maitre-de’s Sauce for Salmon

This sauce goes best with Gravad Lax - Grav Lox or Cured Salmon . It is easy to make and keeps for several weeks in the fridge (without the dill). You can also go to IKEA and buy "Gravlaxsås" but it is not as good as the home made one.

  • 100 ml of mustard, use Swedish mustard "Druvan" (you can get it from IKEA). If you can not get your hands on Druvan mustard, you can use the Grey Poupon.
  • 200 ml of sugar
  • 100-150 ml canola oil (do not use olive oil for this)
  • 100 ml of chopped dill
Mix the sugar and mustard very well then over about 10 min of continues stirring, mix in the canola oil. It is very important to mix in the canola oil slowly.  It should have a smooth shiny texture.

Do not mix in the dill until you serve it. This way you can keep it for several weeks in the fridge.

For a little different texture add a tbs of whipping cream before serving.

Bon Appetit,


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