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Summer Whole Spare Ribs on The Rotisserie

Whole Rotisserie Spare Ribs

Rotisserie Spare Ribs
Rotisserie Spare Ribs
A BBQ on a warm summer evening with a chilled bottle of Rosé is about as good as it gets.

Top this with a whole rack of spare ribs on the rotisserie and your as close to heaven as you can get. BBQ'ing spare ribs on the rotisserie make the ribs taste just wonderful with a nice crisp crust.

This recipe may look hard from the outset but trust me it is as easy as pie.

Ingredients for 3-4 people:

  • 1 whole rack of spare ribs. If you can only find the cut up ones, ask your butcher for a whole rack, uncut
  • Meat Rub #1. See my recipe.
First, remove the fine skin on the ribs. Use a blunt dinner knife and on the inside or cup side, stick it under the skin. Then with a sheet of paper towel, grab the skin and pull it off. The meat rub will penetrate the meat way better and it is much nicer to eat once cooked.

Rub the rack with my Meat Rub #1. If you can let it sit in the fridge for 3 hours that's awesome, if not, just stick it on the rotisserie. Be careful, the prongs are sharp.

Remove Skin from rib
Remove Skin from the rib

Remove the grill rack in the center and maybe even the flare plates and set a tinfoil plate to collect the drippings.

BBQ the ribs at around 325 - 350 F or 160 - 175 C for about 1.5 hours.

Let them rest on a cutting board for about 3-5 minutes. Do not cover with foil or anything. Cut and serve.

Try a nice potato salad and a side of beet salad. Just so good.

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