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Shrimp Appetizer - Shrimp Salad

Shrimp Appy

Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese Cup With Shrimp Salad
Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese Cup With Shrimp Salad
This recipe goes back to my Swedish roots. In Sweden, we use a lot of dill weed in many dishes and it adds an incredible flavour.

The recipe is really easy to make. The most important is to make sure you mince (chop really fine) the celery, radishes and the green onions.

For this recipe, I use shrimp from British Columbia or shrimp from the east coast of Canada.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 300-400 grams of shrimp meat. Cooked and shelled
  • 4 ribs of celery. Peeled and minced
  • 4 green onions, minced
  • 2-3 radishes, minced
  • ½ - 1 tbsp of dried dill weed. I really like dill weed but start out with ½ tbsp and increase according to your tastebuds.
  • 1 cup or 225 ml of mayonnaise, give or take. The mixture should be creamy.

Shrimp Salad on Crackers
Shrimp Salad on Crackers
Mix all the ingredients and adjust the dill weed as to your taste.

As long as the shrimp is fresh when you get it, this mix keeps in the fridge 2-3 days. 

You can serve this as a side salad or main salad for lunch.

Further, serve on crackers or make it looks spectacular in a Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese cup. See my recipe on how to make a cheese cup.

Good luck,


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