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Kale And Bacon Omelette

Kale Omelette With Bacon

Serves 1 hungry person
Preparation and cooking time 15-20 minutes

This is one of my favourite omelettes, it's easy to make and very tasty, especially with the kale adding a really scrumptious taste. I use a 10 inch or 25 cm non-stick frying pan for this recipe.


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 strips of pre-cooked bacon, chopped (see my tip on how to prepare bacon)
  • A handful of chopped fresh kale
  • 2 green onions, chopped. You can also use regular onion, but the green onion is better.
  • 1 medium sized tomato chopped
  • A handful of grated cheese. I prefer Gruyere cheese from Switzerland
  • 2-3 tbsp of cream, half & half or milk, cream is the best
  • ¼ - ½ tsp of turmeric
  • ¼ - ½ tsp of white pepper
  • ¼ tsp of sea salt

Kale and bacon omelette with avocado
Kale and bacon omelette with avocado.
Using a non-stick frying pan, over medium heat, warm up the bacon, then add the green onions and kale.

Saute for 2-3 minutes then transfer to a plate. During this time crack the eggs into a small bowl and add the cream, salt, pepper and turmeric, using a whisk or a fork beat together.

Pour mixture into the frying pan. After about 1 minute, using a spatula lift up the edges so the egg mixture can pour underneath the omelette.

Kale and bacon omelette.
Kale and bacon omelette.
When the liquid is starting to set up on top, sprinkle ¾ of the cheese over the whole omelette. Add in a generous amount of cheese at this stage helps keep the omelette together when you flip it together.

 After about 2 minutes add the bacon mixture on one half of the omelette. Add the chopped tomatoes followed by the remaining cheese on top of the bacon.

Gently push down and together on the fillings. Then using a wide spatula flip the uncovered half of the omelette over the filling while lifting the frying pan and slightly tilting it. Tilting the frying pan helps the uncovered piece fall into place.

Remove from heat and cover with a plate, lid, or cutting board for about 5 minutes. This makes the last bit of cheese melt and the flavours blend together. Slide it out onto a plate.

Kale, green onions and bacon
Kale, green onions and bacon

Sprinkle cheese as a first layer
Sprinkle cheese as a first layer

Add kale, bacon, tomato and the rest of the cheese
Add kale, bacon, tomato and the rest of the cheese. Tilt and flip one side over

Kale and bacon omelette
So good!

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