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Sven's Pasta Sauce

Ultimate Pasta Sauce

This is another great recipe from my nephew Sven in Switzerland. It is truly fantastic with flavours bursting out.


  • 3/4 Cup Kalamata Olives (pitted and halved)
  • 4 Cloves of garlic (3 thin sliced, 1 crushed)
  • 1/2 fresh hot pepper (take the grains out, and chop it into small pieces)
  • 3 tbs olive oil
  • 3/4 can of anchovies
  • 1 can (156ml/5.5 OZ) tomato paste
  • 2.5 tbs of capers

Ingredients For Sven's Pasta Sauce Recipe
Ingredients For Sven's Pasta Sauce Recipe

Mixing The Ingredients
Mixing The Ingredients

Sven's Pasta Sauce is Almost Ready
Sven's Pasta Sauce is Almost Ready
Saute the olives, the sliced garlic and the hot pepper in the olive oil.

After about 2 minutes add the anchovies, stir and continue to fry the ingredients for another minute.

Add the tomato paste and about the double amount of water. Let it cook for at least 5 minutes.

A minute before you serve it with your choice of pasta, add the capers, the crushed garlic and salt and pepper to taste.

buon appetito!


Thanks Sven, as always, another fantastic dish.


  1. [...] propos essen. ich empfehle euch sven’s pasta sauce. Verfasst von chaball Eingeordnet unter Cortes Island ·Schlagworte: essen, pasta, rezept, [...]

  2. Good going Sven.... This is absolutely fantastic recipe, and it is easy to make. I have to admit I was wondering what it would be like when I first saw the ingredients.... Thanks for contributing.

    Cheers, Karl
