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Gray Monk Odyssey 2006 Pinot Gris

Gray Monk Odyssey Pinot Gris

Gray Monk Estate Winery is located in the Okanagan Valley in the heart of British Columbia. Gray Monk winery was established in 1972 by Gorge and Trudy Heiss.

The winery consists of over fifty acres of lush vineyards overlooking Lake Okanagan, producing some of the finest wines.

Pinot Gris , a white wine, but the grape itself is dark bluish and dates back to the middle ages in the Burgundy region.

The wine can be enjoyed on its own or with some well aged cheeses.  I would also use it with pasta accompanied by a cream or pesto sauce.

Try my Pesto recipe or my Cilantro Pesto, just toss the pasta in it, it's great. I would stay away from tomato sauces since the Pinot Gris grape is on the acid side to start with.

Gray Monk produces some great wines, give them a try.



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