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Anders' Pesto with Artichoke

Anders' Pesto With a Twist

This is great twist on my Pesto recipe. You can also try this in my  Cilantro Pesto Recipe, but for now let's stick to the original Pesto With Artichoke.

The ingredients are as follows:
  • 3 handfuls of fresh Basil (wash gently if dirty)
  • 3 cloves of Garlic (pealed)
  • 1 can (398 ml) of artichoke hearts. Canned in water works best for this.
  • 1 tsp of sea salt
  • 1/2 cup of grated fresh Parmesan Cheese
  • 1/2 cup of pine nuts
  • 4 tbs of Olive Oil (use cold pressed, the best you can afford to buy)

Ingredients For Pesto, Now Add Artichokes
Ingredients For Pesto, Now Add Artichokes
Mash up the garlic and basil with a Mortar and Pestle (or anything else you can think of).  Drain the artichokes well and chop up fine and add with the rest of the ingredients and continue mashing or grinding it up to a sauce or paste.

How fine do you want the Pesto to be? It's up to you, I prefer my Pesto with some bits and pieces in it. You try and let me know.

To make things a bit easier I use a Zylizz grinder to grind the pine nuts and the cheese.

Keep refrigerated, but take out of the fridge 30 minutes prior to serving. Goes great with crackers, toasted French bread, or better yet, toss with some pasta. You name it, it is lovely.

Wine Pairing and Recommendation:

Pesto on a Fresh Baguette
Pesto on a Fresh Baguette
Well, most people no doubt would enjoy a Sauvignon Blanc from Cinque Terre on the Ligurian coast just north of the Gulf of La Spezia in Italy.

Now that might be a bit hard to find on this side of the pond.

We visited this wine region in 2006 and really enjoyed the wines and the beautiful coast line.

Now of course you will ask, what about a red wine? I have to say I probably drink more red wine than white with pesto.

Try a good Zinfandel like the "7 Deadly Zins", it is a great match.

Kiss the Cook,


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